Rian Dutra is a pioneer in Applied Psychology to Experience Design (cognitive biases, user behavioral analyses etc.) in Brazil, being one of the most influential designers on the internet in the country, through the profile @designfromhuman.
Rian is the author of the best-seller Enviesados, one of the best-selling books in the category, and also the author of the first Experience Design book for children, co-written with his brother, Projeto B.U.B.A.
On the Experience Design side, he considers himself a "Human Experience Designer" (UX/UI designer with a deep understanding of the human side of the user), with extensive experience in UX and Visual Design.
Rian Dutra is also a Cognitive Science Researcher, dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the human mind.
Since 2006, Rian has been working for companies and clients worldwide, including Steve Woz (Apple's co-founder), Bosch (German), Booking, Unilever (Europe), Genial Investimentos, Kirvano, HAR (Houston Association of Realtors), Udacity (Brazil), and remarkable startup companies such as Simple Nursing (featured in the US nursing segment).